Bingo Night
Salisbury Knights of Columbus 311 E Patterson, Salisbury, MO, United StatesSponsored by Good Vibrationz Ladies Charitable Riding Group, Inc.
The premier publication of Chariton County Missouri community and school news.
Sponsored by Good Vibrationz Ladies Charitable Riding Group, Inc.
Tractor Show and Ride Registration 8:30 a.m. Show and Judging 9:00 a.m. Ride Begins 10:00 a.m. Lunch, Awards and Prizes 11:30 a.m. Contact Jacob Dysart for more information 660-856-3050
Let's Cruise! From Sumner to Salisbury-Cruise across the County Starts at Noon from Sumner Salisbury Main Street Cruise 6-8 pm
Featuring: Matt Carroll Family Bring lawn chairs
Sponsored by Good Vibrationz Ladies Charitable Riding Group
Fireworks at Dusk
Children's Author will read a book or two and sign books purchased.
There will be a community blood drive hosted by the Keytesville FCCLA held at the Ketyesville Community Center.
Doors Opens 5:30 Early Bird 6:00 Regular Bingo 6:30
Home Health offers free toenail clipping for Senior Citizens 9:00-10:00 am